


     砂磨机制造业在积极响应中央政策的前提下,华一宝公司本着“两个坚持”的原则,把其中的“质量为先、绿色发展、结构优化、着眼长远、重点突破、自主发展”作为华一宝企业发展的重中之重。为实现制造强国的战略目标,出一份力量。 《中国制造2025》的内容里,包含了十大领域,这些领域与砂磨机有着直接与间接的关系:








































    What is the specific embodiment of the fine grinding mill after the upgrade?

 Responding to the "Made in China 2025" ink, coating field fine grinding mill innovation

                      ————Where is the upgrade of fine grinding mill?

     Under the premise of actively responding to the central policy, Huayibao Company adheres to the principle of “two persistences” and puts “quality first, green development, structural optimization, long-term focus, key breakthrough, and autonomy. Development" is the top priority of Huayibao's enterprise development. In order to achieve the strategic goal of manufacturing a strong country, a force is made. The contents of "Made in China 2025" contain ten major fields, which have direct and indirect relationships with fine grinding mills:
One: new materials

         Most new materials require a sand mill for physical wet grinding. In the wet grinding process of new materials, the physical form (wet grinding) can only truly solve the wide-ranging use of materials without affecting the molecular structure of the material.

 Second: a new generation of information technology
  Wet grinding of sensor raw materials, grinding of raw materials for touch electronic screens, rare earths, etc.
 Three: new energy vehicles
 Lithium manganate, lithium cobalt oxide, battery, ternary material, separator, etc.
 Four: biomedical and high performance medical devices
 Pharmaceutical preparations, cinnabar, silicon powder (pill filler), etc.
Five: aerospace equipment, high-end machine tools and robots, marine engineering and high-tech ships, rail transit, agricultural machinery,
 Power equipment These industries are inseparable from high-grade paints, coatings, insulation materials, etc., and have indirect relations with fine grinding mills.
Conventional fine grinding mills are relatively lagging in the current environment in grinding media, discharge slit ring, inner rotor (main power), cooling system, accessory finishing and material selection, and control systems.
In the past five years, the progress of fine grinding mill industry such as flying, fine grinding mill structure design, material selection, finishing, control
The system has undergone qualitative changes. In the spirit of "Made in China 2025", the fine grinding mill manufacturing industry truly understands that manufacturing is the main body of the national economy, the foundation of the country, the instrument of rejuvenating the country, and the power of the country.
base. Creating an internationally competitive manufacturing industry is the goal of every manufacturing company.
  The fine grinding mill after the upgrade of Guangdong Huayibao is reflected in the following five points:
One: improve the quality of customer products
Second: reflect the green development of the company (more environmentally friendly)
Three: based on the current and overall advancement highlights
Four: Standardization of data management in the production process
Five: comprehensive production capacity improvement


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